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CSX: Week 6 Notes

Here are my notes from Week 6 of a16z Crypto's CSX. This week focused on marketing, brand, and fundraising and included talks from Steven Ebert and Arianna Simpson.

Talk: Positioning & Branding with Steven Ebert

  • What is a brand?

    • Something you affiliate with

    • A collection of beliefs people have about your company.

    • People = customers, partners, team

  • A brand is not something you set and forget

    • The reality is that a brand is like a living org that evolves

      • product evolves

      • bring in new users

      • grow to more employees

  • What is brand building?

    • The practice of shaping a brand

    • Tools for shaping a brand ...

  • Minimum Viable brand

    • Why you exist

    • Tell your story in a compelling way

      • Not just about marketing

      • Hiring is difficult when you do not have an interesting and compelling story

      • A big part of fundraising

    • Differentiate you from competitors

      • Classic example is AMM

      • The way you tell your story is what sets you apart

  • Two areas are useful

    • Brand story

      • The language you represent

    • Visual identity

      • What do you look like

      • It builds goodwill with the public

  • Zora does a good job at brand

    • Define the problem

      • Did a good job of defining the problem

      • Established a meme of what the new future looks like

      • Creating language became super useful

        • we see this problem

        • we see new things because nfts

        • we are going to be part of that movement

    • Explain how you solve it

      • Creating free and valuable

    • Prove in the product

      • Simple 3-step product

  • Elements of brand story to consider

    • Why

      • problem

      • how we solve

    • Key benefit

      • what are the reasons someone would want ot use it

    • Tone of voice

      • thoughtful around how you’re communicating

  • On creating your visual identity

    • Think about your audience

      • If shitcoins identity you will have will be very different than institutional investors

    • Look at what competitors are doing

    • Define the vibe you're going for

  • A good visual identity

    • Connected to the brand story

    • Designed for flexibility

    • Opinionated and differentiated

    • Party does a good job ...

  • Additional thoughts on brand to consider

    • Be careful of brand stories already taken

    • Watch out for confusing nomenclature

      • Aave = could be talking about 1-7 different things

      • Good = Opensea vs. Seaport

    • Dont handcuff yourself to the current meta

      • bad: gm

      • don't handcuff to current vibes

    • Refine brand story as the product evolves

    • Visual identity is extra important for B2C

    • The more saturated, the more differentiated you need to be

  • On why, how, what

    • If early, focus on why

    • If competitive, focus on how

    • Very few examples where "what" is the most important thing

Lunch: Tacos

Thank you, a16z Crypto, for making me feel a little less homesick 🙏🌮

Talk: Talking to Investors with Arianna Simpson

  • Arianna intro

    • Many VCs are afraid to tell you what they think, not Arianna.

  • Fundraising is answering questions about a business

    • Two important questions to answer before deck

      • Why is this a big market?

      • Why is your team best positioned to win?

        • Why are you best positioned to tackle that problem?

        • How deeply have the founders explored the idea maze?

        • How good is the founder market fit

    • Question Arianna asks every founder:

      • Assuming everything goes well, what will you be doing in 5 years?

  • How to get ready to pitch?

    • Understand market

    • Practice with angels and friends beforehand

    • Tailor the deck

      • have teaser deck

      • the goal is to get a meeting

      • hold a little info back and then reveal all

  • Core tenants of the pitch

    • Tell a story

    • Have a team slide

      • a lot of it is do we think this is the right team to build this thing

    • Never lie

    • DYR

  • On negotiations

    • The best investors will not play games

    • The best strategy is to be authentic

    • Trying to eliminate the reasons why people would say no

    • The name of the game is momentum: You will be better off if you get more term sheets

  • Post-raise relationship

    • From pitching to portfolio

    • Never surprise your investors

    • Engage early and often

    • Use their network for

    • It's a marathon

  • Other helpful fundraising tips

    • Generate momentum by time boxing conversations

    • On team slide: logos > 10 years of experience

    • Party round = nobody has (real) skin in the game

  • Memorable fundraise: Anton at Talos

    • FMF was perfect

    • Charismatic

    • MIT smart

    • Technical but can sell

    • Plow through any wall to make it happen

Here are some links that came up this week.

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